Noémie Pinardon-Touati

Noémie Pinardon-Touati

  Assistant Professor of Economics, Columbia University

I am an Assistant Professor in the Economics Department at Columbia University. My research is at the intersection of finance, applied macroeconomics, and public economics. More specifically, my work investigates the interplay between government intervention and corporate financial and real behavior, at the micro and macro levels.

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You can download my resume here.


Inflation in Distorted Economies: Evidence from India

[Draft available soon]

with Juan Herreño (UCSD) and Malte Thie (Paris Dauphine)

When Private Firms Provide Public Goods: The Allocation of CSR Spending

with Kim Fe Cramer (LSE) and Lucie Gadenne (Queen Mary University London)

Mediating Financial Intermediation

with Aymeric Bellon (UNC Chapel Hill) and Louis-Marie Harpedanne (Banque de France)

Political Quid Pro Quo In Financial Markets

with Anne-Laure Delatte (Paris Dauphine, CNRS) and Adrien Matray (Stanford)

In the media (in French): Le Monde, Les Echos, Libération, France Culture.


ECON GU4913: Financial Policy and Regulation: Fostering Growth and Macroeconomic Stability.

ECON GR6226: Applied Macroeconomics & Finance


1133 International Affairs Building, Columbia University, NY 10027

For appointments, please email me at